"Weird Al" Yankovic - Bedrock Anthem(Under the bridge /Give it away)
"Weird Al" Yankovic weirdal.com American musician.
The John Butler Trio!!!!!
Zebra - Official Video www.johnbutlertrio.com Australian band.
Queen - We Will Rock You (Official Video) Official site http://www.queenonline.com/ UK band.
The Beatles
The Beatles - Revolution http://www.thebeatles.com/sites/anthology/index.html
ET - She's a Genius OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO Australian band
Lenny Kraviz
"Are You Gonna Go My Way" - Lenny Kravitz http://www.lennykravitz.com/ American musician.
Tool - Stinkfist Official site https://www.toolband.com/ Tool is an American rock band from Los Angeles.
Kasabian - stevie Official site http://www.kasabian.co.uk/ British band.
Royal Blood
Royal Blood - Out Of The Black Official site http://royalbloodband.com/ British band.
Wolfmother - Woman Wolfmother - Woman Official site http://www.wolfmother.com/ Wolfmother are an Australian hard rock band.